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Open JAR

BACKGROUND: Open JAR was compiled in 2013 during graduate school, inspired by the course 'Art as a Mirror of Evolving Consciousness' facilitated by Leslie Combs, PhD. The concept behind the book is a compilation of various works of mine during a period of personal transformation catalyzed by a tragic romance story that aims to define the purpose of a relationship torn apart by sexual assault.


This book combines sketches, poetry, academic excerpts, original artwork and lots of hand stamped letters. Each page was crafted as a collage and pieced together into a singular dedication. It functions as just that: a mirror to evolution of how my consciousness unfolds. I open the jar to my psyche and like an open book, open my heart to love. 


Originally, a Kickstarter fundraiser raised the initial moolah to get the first version of published hard copy prints to the amazing supporters... and unfortunately, someone borrowing my computer reset it to factory standards- I lost most of the digital work days before releasing a self-published version through Amazon. I've been slowly recovering files and resources to have this printed and am wishing this dream will come true sooner than later. 


For now, my books are available for FREE online viewing. If you are feeling generous and would like to leave some change in my "TIP JAR", you are thanked to the stars!  -K.Sweet

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